
Showing posts from September, 2022

Grafana and Oracle database - Part 3 - Installation of Telegraf Agent

Download the telegraf agent here (current version: 1.24.1): I prefer to directly download and use the executable rather than installing it (using rpm) because to install the rpm version, one would, of course, need root privileges (I don't want to go through that pain, if you know what I mean).   Download the executable (tar.gz) and unzip it. $ pwd <TELEGRAF_GUNZIP_UNTAR_PATH>/telegraf-1.15.3/usr/bin $ ls -lrt total 68112 -rwxr-xr-x 1 <user> <group> 69743232 Sep 11 12:48 telegraf Ensure that the Telegraf executable is in the PATH variable: $ pwd <TELEGRAF_GUNZIP_UNTAR_PATH>/telegraf-1.15.3/usr/bin $ export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH $ whereis telegraf telegraf: <TELEGRAF_GUNZIP_UNTAR_PATH>/telegraf-1.15.3/usr/bin/telegraf $ telegraf --version Telegraf 1.15.3 (git: HEAD fac81815)   Configure telegraf to monitor CPU, Memory, Network, Swap and Disk and write the output to influxdb. $ <TELEGRAF_GUNZIP_UNTAR_PATH>/telegraf-1.15.3/usr/bin/ telegraf --input-filt