
Showing posts with the label sqlprompt

AWS using Ansible? Yes, it's possible!

  Although, I've used Ansible extensively for a lot of automation and orchestration tasks, using Ansible for AWS was indeed, a new territory for me.  This turned out to be a blessing, since along with using Ansible for AWS tasks, I also learnt how to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on a Windows machine. Though WSL's been around for some time, I still hadn't come around to using it since I was mostly using my Macbook pro. Not anymore, though!  Anyway, I have listed below the steps to: Install WSL on Windows 11 23H2 patch Install AWS CLI on Ubuntu 22.04 (Exact version - 22.04.3 LTS) Install Ansible and the collection Use AWS CLI to get the list of  VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice) Create a python file/script to get the list of VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice) Create an Ansible playbook to get the list of VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice.   You may download the complete installat

Customising SQL Prompt in pre-10g Oracle Homes

I always say that the risk of running a script in an instance wherein it is not meant to be run, is always high, if the SQL prompt in SQL*PLUS is unchanged i.e., if it is retained as "SQL>". This risk can be mitigated, to a great extent, if not fully, by customising the SQL prompt to something like ' USER@SID> '. This can be achieved in Oracle 10g quite easily (refer my earlier post ). Releases prior to Oracle 10g did not have the special pre-defined variable "_USER", which can be set in glogin.sql. However, there exist a lot of workarounds for customising the SQL Prompt and retaining it! I have detailed below one such workaround. 1. Modify the .profile of each user and add the environment variable SQLPATH to it so that our scripts can be accessed from anywhere. e.g: export SQLPATH=/u019/app/oracle/govtt/govttora/8.0.6/sqlplus/admin;/u018/app/oracle/govtt/govttdb/9.2.0/sqlplus/admin 2. Create two files login.sql and connect.sql under $ORACLE_HOME/sql

Customising SQL Prompt in 10g Database/Oracle Home

Many a time, DBAs and Developers tend to run scripts, accidentally, in instances that they do not actually intend to. In extreme cases, this might result in disastrous consequences, sometimes even leading to recovering/restoring the database from a backup. This mistake can easily be avoided if the sql prompt displays the username and/or the SID in lieu of just "SQL>". Whenever sqlplus is invoked, 2 files are executed: glogin.sql and login.sql (if it exists) in the order mentioned. These 2 files are located under $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin . Modify the file glogin.sql and add the below line: set sqlprompt " _user'@'_connect_identifier > " The net result of this is that the sqlprompt will appear as below whenever you login to sqlplus: system@ORCL > where system is the username and ORCL is the SID. Note: One drawback of this method, if it may be called so, is that whenever one logs in to sqlplus using /nolog option, only the '@' character

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