AWS using Ansible? Yes, it's possible!

  Although, I've used Ansible extensively for a lot of automation and orchestration tasks, using Ansible for AWS was indeed, a new territory for me.  This turned out to be a blessing, since along with using Ansible for AWS tasks, I also learnt how to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on a Windows machine. Though WSL's been around for some time, I still hadn't come around to using it since I was mostly using my Macbook pro. Not anymore, though!  Anyway, I have listed below the steps to: Install WSL on Windows 11 23H2 patch Install AWS CLI on Ubuntu 22.04 (Exact version - 22.04.3 LTS) Install Ansible and the collection Use AWS CLI to get the list of  VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice) Create a python file/script to get the list of VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice) Create an Ansible playbook to get the list of VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice.   You may download the comple...

Find the size of an Oracle database

A very common question in any interview is "How do you find the size of a database?" This question can be answered in numerous ways. For e.g., some might say that the size of the database is the sum of the size of each datafile. Some might add the size of the tempfiles to the afore mentioned answer.

However, according to me, the size of the database can be calculated as below:

Database size = size of datafiles + size of tempfiles + size of redologs + size of controlfiles

The above formula can be put to use using the below mentioned SQL.

set serveroutput on
DB_SIZE number;
dfsize number;
tfsize number;
rlsize number;
cfsize number;
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "DATA_FILE_SIZE" into dfsize from dba_data_files;
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "TEMP_FILE_SIZE" into tfsize from dba_temp_files;
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "REDO_LOG_SIZE" into rlsize from v$log;
select (BLOCK_SIZE * (1 + FILE_SIZE_BLKS))/1024/1024 "CONTROL_FILE_SIZE" into cfsize from sys.v_$controlfile where rownum = 1;
dbms_output.put_line('The Database Size is ' || DB_SIZE || ' Gigabytes');


SQL > set serveroutput on
SQL > declare

2 DB_SIZE number;
3 dfsize number;
4 tfsize number;
5 rlsize number;
6 cfsize number;
7 begin
8 select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "DATA_FILE_SIZE" into dfsize from dba_data_files;
9 select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "TEMP_FILE_SIZE" into tfsize from dba_temp_files;
10 select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 "REDO_LOG_SIZE" into rlsize from v$log;
11 select (BLOCK_SIZE * (1 + FILE_SIZE_BLKS))/1024/1024 "CONTROL_FILE_SIZE" into cfsize from sys.v_$controlfile where rownum = 1;
12 DB_SIZE:=round((dfsize+tfsize+rlsize+cfsize)/1024,3);
13 dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------');
14 dbms_output.put_line('The Database Size is ' || DB_SIZE || ' Gigabytes');
15 dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------');
16 end;
17 /
The Database Size is 88.259 Gigabytes

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


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