AWS using Ansible? Yes, it's possible!

  Although, I've used Ansible extensively for a lot of automation and orchestration tasks, using Ansible for AWS was indeed, a new territory for me.  This turned out to be a blessing, since along with using Ansible for AWS tasks, I also learnt how to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on a Windows machine. Though WSL's been around for some time, I still hadn't come around to using it since I was mostly using my Macbook pro. Not anymore, though!  Anyway, I have listed below the steps to: Install WSL on Windows 11 23H2 patch Install AWS CLI on Ubuntu 22.04 (Exact version - 22.04.3 LTS) Install Ansible and the collection Use AWS CLI to get the list of  VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice) Create a python file/script to get the list of VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice) Create an Ansible playbook to get the list of VPCs in the region - us-east-1 (or a region of your choice.   You may download the comple...

Find Tablespace Usage Percent

I have written a sql query which would output the usage percent of all the tablespaces in a given database. Although lots of tablespace usage queries are available, most of them, if not all, utilise dba_free_space view as the tool of measurement.

It is well known that this view is inadequate when datafiles have autoextend feature turned on. I have tried to address this inadequacy in my query.

Caveat: This query is not optimised for performance. Hence, you might observe slow performance.

set linesize 100
set pagesize 10000
set feedback off verify off
col tablespace_name format a18
col num_files format 999
col total_space format 9999999.99
col free_space format 9999999.99
col used_percent format 999.99

select /*+ parallel(tbs) */
count(tbs.file_id) num_files,
round(((sum(tbs.USED_SPACE)/sum(tbs.TOTAL_SPACE)) * 100),2) USED_PERCENT
ddf.file_id file_id,
ddf.tablespace_name tablespace_name,
round(decode(ddf.autoextensible,'NO',ddf.bytes/1024/1024,'YES',ddf.maxbytes/1024/1024),2) "TOTAL_SPACE",
when ddf.maxbytes < ddf.bytes
then round(((ddf.bytes/1024/1024) - nvl((dfs.free_space),0)),2)
else round(ddf.bytes/1024/1024,2)
when ddf.maxbytes < ddf.bytes
then nvl(dfs.free_space,0)
else round(((ddf.maxbytes/1024/1024) - (ddf.bytes/1024/1024)),2)
/*, case autoextensible
when 'NO' then round(((((ddf.bytes/1024/1024) - nvl(dfs.free_space,0)) / (ddf.bytes/1024/1024)) * 100),2)
when 'YES' then round((((ddf.bytes/1024/1024) / (ddf.maxbytes/1024/1024)) * 100),2)
from dba_data_files ddf,
(select file_id, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2) free_space from dba_free_space group by file_id) dfs
ddf.file_id = dfs.file_id(+)
) tbs
group by tbs.tablespace_name
order by 5 desc;


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